
Showing posts from August, 2016
A solo trip to Kanyakumari: Stories from southernmost sea-shore "One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things" - Henry Miller It was sometime in last October that I decided to travel to Kanyakumari, on my first ever solo trip. Kanyakumari seemed as the safest and best bet for a lone woman traveller on a mission to spend a weekend some where far in tranquility. The Southernmost tip of India, had more than one reason to draw my imagination. The beaches, sunset, confluence of three oceans, Vivekananda Rock Memorial, and of course, the people and culture that make every place unique from the other. Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Thiruvalluvar statue at Kanyakumari. It was not for the first time that I was visiting Kanyakumari. I had travelled there long ago as a child, but had no distinct memories attached to the place. The only memory of Kanyakumari I had was the family photographs with Vivekananda Rock Memorial in the backdrop, s